Hate talking about yourself?

That's normal. We can help you tell your work story and sound like the talented human you are. 

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Light lavender chat bubble with light bulb icon inside
Yellow thinking chat bubble with scribbles insideWhite thinking chat bubble with an icon of a head and brain insideMarigold colored chat bubble with scribble marks inside

Professional Branding

SLH Communications has helped dozens of professionals in multiple industries, from accounting to advertising to biotechnology research, score interviews they might not have gotten otherwise with targeted interview, resume, website, and elevator pitch coaching. 

What Does Professional Branding Include?

If you work with us for Professional Branding, here are some examples of what that might entail: 

Wooden figurine and chat bubble abstract concept against a bright orange background

Interview Prep

If you get nervous during interviews, we’ve got your back. We’ll practice with you and give you some tips that will help you sound like your best, most polished self. 

Vintage robot showing a puzzled expression against a bright red background

Humanize Your Resume

If you haven’t touched your resume in years, no need to panic. We’ll help you rewrite it in a way that reflects your true skills and value.

Magnifying glass and partial keyboard against a light aqua-teal background

LinkedIn & Professional Website Refresh

We’ll develop a proactive pitching strategy that puts you in front of the right influencers for your audience, and handle incoming media inquiries. 

Blue and white megaphone being held against an aqua and medium blue background

Perfect Your Elevator Pitch

We teach a workshop called “How to Sound Like a Human In Your Elevator Pitch” that helps you clearly, succinctly say what it is you do here—no matter how much you despise networking.

How It Works

Every Professional Branding client is different, but here’s (generally) what you can expect when you get started with us. 

Step 1

We do an in-depth kick-off meeting to determine your goals, strengths, and areas for improvement.

Step 2

We revise, coach, or practice.

Step 3

We (hopefully) toast your next big professional step!

Want to put your best self out there?